Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day three: fatigue and some additional recipes

The best aspect of using my juicer is that my sons always want me to make them juice.  Even though it is really healthy for them, it's also loaded with natural sugars.  But I figure the good outweighs the bad.  After I made them an apple juice and a grape juice, I decided to try to have juice for breakfast this morning.  The last time I did Clean I never had juice for any of the meals, because I thought that it would not be substantial enough.  Today I wanted to try it out to see how it would be.  I made a full glass of juice: apples, celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger root, carrot, and spinach.  It was filling and delicious.  I decided to test the juice even further by trying to go for a run this morning.  I felt really good during the first half of the run, then began to fatigue a little during the second half, but still, I was shocked that I could run at all.

Then in the afternoon I paid the price.  Right after our big lunch of chicken, grilled veggies and quinoa I started fading fast.  I was reading books to the boys and completely falling asleep in the middle of sentences.  I haven't napped for... well, a long time, and I could not stop myself from going to sleep.  After an hour I felt fine, and when I woke up I ate a snack and felt much better.  I had a Lara Bar, which is a great option if you are out and about and are dying for a snack.  The ingredients are very basic - mine was simply: dates and cashews.

Dinner was the butternut squash bisque and it was good, but I added some pepper and cayenne.  In general, I feel that the recipes in the book need to be spiced up a bit.  Matt found a website that has more clean recipes, and if anyone is interested, here it is:

Also, I wanted to answer some questions that people have asked about eating:
- It says in the book that you should eat food 24 hours or less after you prepare it, but if you are busy, just do what you can. 
- I do not make my own almond milk and coconut water.  I just buy it at the store (make sure the almond milk is unsweetened).
- The best place to get raw nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts) is Mountain People's co-op.  They also have bulk almond butter and bulk quinoa. 
- Agave nectar can be found in the natural section of the grocery store.
- For the shakes, I buy all organic frozen fruit.
- If you are using lemons in your water, really try to get organic lemons.  If you can't get organic, then peel the outside layer of your lemon before you drop it in your water because non-organic lemons have a lot of pesticides on them.


  1. Well, the dose of olive oil before bed was...well, let's just say I hope it works :)

    Also, how might one obtain a reasonably priced juicer? Thanks<3

  2. If you are okay with having a used juicer, you could email all of the people you know and see if any of them have a gently used one. Some people have told me in the past that they have juicers that they never use. Otherwise, I would look for sales at places like
