Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day twelve: mucus and fat

Don't those two words make you hungry?  Ha!

I never have known why, but nearly every morning of my life, I have had a runny nose.  Since about day three of the cleanse, I haven't had one.  If you have read the section in the Clean book on mucus and puffiness (starts on page 66) I now realize why.  My body was trying to detoxify in the evenings, and mucus is one way that toxins or irritants exit your body.

Have you ever had a day or night when you ate and drank things that you knew were bad for you?  The next day you might feel puffy and sluggish with circles under your eyes.  This is your body's way of trying to deal with all of the irritants.  Puffiness and mucus are related - puffiness is mucus trapped deep inside of your body.  If you habitually treat your body poorly, you might feel this puffiness as bloating around your entire body in the form of extra pounds that you just can't lose, no matter what you do.  Dr. Junger: "When you eat sparingly, take in nutrients that promote detoxification, and start exercising, you 'de-puff.'  Not surprisingly, a sense of clarity and lightness return to the body and mind."

In other words, you shed a layer of mucus.  I have most certainly felt myself "de-puff."  And with this physical transformation comes a mental one.  Patience, calm and happiness are more readily available than they were before.

I have also talked to some of you about the large amount of fat that is allowed in the cleanse.  Coconut milk, avocado, nuts and lots of olive oil are just a few examples.  I emailed The Clean Program about that, and this is what Jessi, the health coach, told me:

"Good quality fats like avocados and coconut oil are great to incorporate, helping to metabolize fats and storing as energy in the body rather than fat- and keeping nuts to a minimum is often helpful for weight loss. Of course, the right amount of fat for everyone will be different, so you can do some experimenting to see what a good amount is for you.  Keep moving-at least 20 minutes a day of stretching, dancing, walking, anything to move your body around-it doesn't have to be super intense- just get that lymph flowing and muscles active so you can burn more fat and amp up sluggish blood!"

So those of you who are cleansing, eat your healthy fats and get your body moving to release that mucus!  Isn't that a lovely thought?


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