Monday, January 16, 2012

Day four: hello, stomach.

I think that my body has begun to adjust to the rhythm of having lunch as my main meal.  I am not hungry between meals, and feel satisfied throughout the day.  Before this started, I had basically stopped communication with my stomach, thereby not even knowing if I was hungry or not when I would eat.  It is nice to have my mind back in touch with my hunger.

Through this process I have also realized how much habitual eating I normally do.  In the past, I wouldn't snack because I was hungry - I would snack because it was in front of me.  My worst time was preparing meals for the family, or just for my sons.  Not only would I snack on what I was going to serve them, but when they were done, if they had not cleaned their plate, I would.  Of course, my sons are not doing the cleanse, so I am still preparing three meals a day for them, and I keenly notice how many times I want to take a bite of what they are having.  Tonight my son wanted to have a piece of his birthday cake for dessert, and it was almost torture to not pick up the crumbs that were falling to the side and pop them in my mouth.  Before tonight, I don't know if I have ever rinsed cake off of my fingers without licking them first!

Of course that shows lack or restraint, weakness and minimal mental focus (how had I not really noticed how bad this habit was before?)  And of course, right now, I could snack all day, but the point is that I don't want to.  Now on the fourth day of the cleanse I have finally stopped lingering by the pantry looking at possible snacks - when I know full well that I am not in the least bit hungry.  Eating should be an enjoyable, mindful experience - hence, the slow food movement. We should eat nutritious AND delicious food, and chew slowly and enjoy, and discover what it feels like to be full enough to stop.  I was so off of the path of doing that, it really took this cleanse to wake up and meet my stomach again.

Speaking of digestion, there have also been some questions about supplements on The Clean Program, to aid in detoxification.  I sent a message to The Clean Program specialists, and this is what they sent back:

Probiotic: Make sure it has at least 40 billion cell count per serving. You can take several if necessary
Fiber: A good natural flax fiber or vegetable fiber products. Example is Ground Flax Powder. Soaked chia seeds are also a good option. Will be available at your natural food store.
Antimicrobial: Concentrated Oil of Oregano, A clove of garlic can be eaten daily raw. Buy at health food store.
Olive Oil: Take two tablespoons before bed every night and follow with water and lemon. Buy at health food store
Liver Support: Milk Thistle (sylimarin), N Acetyl cysteine, Dandelion Root and Wormwood Leaf. You can buy them from
Digestive Enzymes

Today I felt great all day.  I think my lack of energy yesterday was because of the juice in the morning.  Although, I would try juice at night in the future.  Morning was a berry smoothie with almond butter, cocoa, spinach, and almond milk, lunch was The Big Green Salad in the book and it was DELICIOUS.  Matt put chicken on his, I put lots of almonds on mine.  Dinner was butternut squash bisque.  I am going to start doing the 2 tbsp. olive oil before bed and see how that goes.


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